A Little Wray Of Sunshine: Inspirational stories from everyday people

"We're not invisible, we're here, and we're here for a purpose" - Camille Smith

November 24, 2023 Season 2 Episode 36
A Little Wray Of Sunshine: Inspirational stories from everyday people
"We're not invisible, we're here, and we're here for a purpose" - Camille Smith
Show Notes

In this incredible episode, Camille Smith shares with us her passion for being in tune with our bodies and the importance of human connection, among other things.  She elaborates on how "we're all connected, all parts of us, our spirit, our minds, our body.. and when we go around not taking that time to be still, your body might be giving you a message but you're not hearing it." She also reminds us that "our body gives us subtle clues that something  is not balanced, that something's out of order... as you learn to slow down, as you learn to turn inward and really listen it helps you be in tune with the spirit." Listening to Camille is a wonderful reminder of the importance of human connections.. "We are meant for connection with others... just by connecting with others, giving them our attention, our time, our smile, our gaze, that's really meaningful and helpful... people have a need to be validated, to be heard."