A Little Wray Of Sunshine: Inspirational stories from everyday people

PART TWO: - "No matter what happens in your world or in your day, the sun's gonna rise tomorrow, so make the best of what you can today" - Rowen Gneiting

August 09, 2024 Season 3 Episode 22

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In this PART TWO of Rowan Gneiting's episode from last week, he continues to share his wisdom of what it takes to be successful in life. I've included a few gems from this episode that are quite profound for a 19 year old... 

"It's not about what other people make you do, if you do something that's self-motivated, you're going to see way more success"

"Anybody can go anywhere that they want"

"Hard work beats talent, when talent isn't hard working"

"It's important to never be satisfied"

"As you're consistent, and you're chipping away at something, eventually you're going to make a great sculpture"

"You have to pick and choose what mindset you want to have"

"If you're 1% better everyday, as a year passes, your 365% better than you used to be"

"Be proud of your victories, at the end of the day, look back and if you're proud of yourself, that's a good day; if you're not proud of yourself, then make a change tomorrow"

"If you treat failure like a failure, it's what it's going to be, if you treat failure like a lesson, that's what it's going to be"